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1 90.00° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Set the size and shape
2 60.87° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Set the girdle line
3 55.95° 01-15-17-31-33-47-49-63-65-79-81-95 Meet the girdle line
4 50.99° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Meet 2
5 46.01° 01-15-17-31-33-47-49-63-65-79-81-95 Meet 3,4
6 41.00° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Meet 4


a 40.00° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Set the girdle width
b 35.00° 01-15-17-31-33-47-49-63-65-79-81-95 Meet the girdle
c 30.00° 96-16-32-48-64-80 Meet a
d 25.00° 02-14-18-30-34-46-50-62-66-78-82-94 Meet b,c
t 0.00° Table Meet c